Letter to Congress for Conservation from AVCRPC
CNEHA signed on to a letter sponsored by America’s Voice for Conservation, Recreation and Preservation Coalition and signed by more than 1,000 organizations asking Congress to increase funding for conservation, historic preservation, and outdoor recreation. A letter was issued on February 9, 2012, by the National Trust for Historic Preservation announcing the success of this initiative.
CNEHA Final Coalition Letter (pdf)
National Archaeology Day, October 22, 2011. CNEHA co-sponsored the first-ever National Archaeology Day and marked the occasion at the annual meeting in Utica.
Archaeological Institute of America.org
Letter of Recommendation for the Historical Society of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown
CNEHA has submitted a letter of recommendation on behalf of the Historical Society of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown for an NEH grant proposal that would provide funding to archive and curate the Requa Archaeological Collection, and to make the contents of that collection available online for researchers. The Requa Collection includes material culture from and archaeological documentation for the only intact archaeological example of a tenant site from New York’s Manorial Period (1664-1775).
CNEHA voices opposition to proposed job cuts at the New York State Museum, including the positions of the State Archaeologist and Director of the Cultural Resource Survey Program, the Curator of Archaeology, and the Curator of Historical Archaeology.
NYSM Layoffs (pdf)