CNEHA members receive a regular Newsletter, the Journal Northeast Historical Archaeology, and the occasional Monograph series Studies in Northeast Historical Archaeology. The newsletters contain state and provincial updates as well as information on Council activities. The peer-reviewed journal presents articles on a wide variety of research and theoretical topics of interest in both terrestrial and underwater research. The occasional monograph series is devoted to presenting high quality research in an expanded format. We now offer special Posters focused on temporally diagnostic artifacts.
Northeast Historical Archaeology: 46
Philadelphia Queensware: Table of Contents
Meta F. Janowitz, Rebecca L. White, Deborah L. Miller, George D. Cress, and Thomas J. Kutys
The Rise and Fall of American Queensware, 1807-1822
Rebecca L. White, Meta F. Janowitz, George Cress, and Thomas J. Kutys
Philadelphia Queensware from the National Constitution Center Site at Independence National Park
Deborah L. Miller
Equal in Quality and Workmanship to the Best Made in Staffordshire: Philadelphia Queensware Pottery in the Early 19th Century and How to Distinguish it from Yellow Ware
Kimberly M. Sebestyen
Domestic Queensware in Kensington-Fishtown: Excavating Philadelphia's Waterfront Neighborhoods
George Cress, Thomas J. Kutys, Rebecca L. White, Meta F. Janowitz, and Samuel Pickard
A Bright Pattern of Domestic Virtue and Economy: Philadelphia Queensware at the Smith-Maskell Site (28CA124), Camden, New Jersey
Thomas J. Kutys, George Cress, Rebecca L. White, and Ingrid A. Wuebber
The Westward Expansion of Domestic Queensware: The Red Rose Transit Site, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
George Cress, Rebecca L. White, and Ingrid A. Wuebber
Philadelphia Queensware at the McKean/Cochran Site, Appoquinimink, Delaware
Meta F. Janowitz and Christy R. Morganstein
Promoting Domestic Manufactures: Philadelphia Queensware in Alexandria, Virginia
Barbara H. Magid
Sets and Sensibilities: The Excavation of Ideology in Upstate New York
Christopher P. Barton and Kyle Somerville
NEHA Back Issues
Articles from back issues are now available on the Open Repository at Binghamton.
Those interested in submitting an article to the NEHA Journal can contact William A. Farley, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology at Southern Connecticut State University at
Les membres du CNEHA reçoivent un bulletin d'information régulier, la revue Northeast Historical Archaeology et, à l'occasion, une monographie dans la série Studies in Northeast Historical Archaeology. Le bulletin fait le point sur les activités de chaque État ou province et sur l'action du Conseil. La revue présente des articles sur une foule de questions de recherche et d'ordre théorique intéressant l'archéologie terrestre et subaquatique. Les monographies, pour leur part, présentent des résultats de recherches qui justifient une présentation plus volumineuse. Nous offrons maintenant les affiches spéciales concentrées sur les objets façonnés temporellement diagnostiques.