The Council invites professional and avocational archaeologists, historians, material culture specialists, historic preservationists, and students to become members. CNEHA memberships run for the calendar year and all members receive the journal and newsletter published by the Council, as well as a special registration rate at the annual meeting. Becoming a member is an ideal way to support the historical society while getting some great benefits for yourself!
Tous les étudiants, amis et professionnels de l’archéologie, de l’histoire et de la conservation du patrimoine sont invités à se joindre au Conseil. Les adhésions valent pour l’année civile. Les membres reçoivent la revue et le bulletin d’information du Conseil et bénéficient d’un tarif d’inscription spécial à la réunion annuelle.
Looking for the member log-in area? Look no further! After more than a year of testing, the CNEHA Board determined that the member log-in function was not working as desired, so it has been removed. Everything you need to register or renew your CNEHA membership can be found on this page. You can join CNEHA by downloading and printing a copy of our Membership Form or by using our Online Membership Form and PayPal.
To view the pdf document, you will need Adobe Reader. You may download Adobe Reader for free at
U.S. Members please mail the form to Sara Mascia (address on form) and Canadian Members please mail your form to Eva MacDonald (address on form). Make checks payable to CNEHA.
Questions or comments for the Membership Chair please email: