CNEHA Annual Meeting
Our 2018 conference, Technology in Archaeology, in Halifax quickly approaches. Advance registration pricing will remain in effect until Sept. 10, which is also the final deadline for our call for papers. Please register online now at our conference website to take advantage of these prices, and please also consider booking your room asap to guarantee your accommodations at The Lord Nelson Hotel.
CNEHA 2018 gets underway for all on Friday, October 19 with workshops centered on the conference theme of technology in archaeology, including a geophysics session in the neighbouring Victorian-era Public Gardens, walking tours of Halifax, an industrial archaeology tour to the Albion Mines Foundry in the community of Stellarton, Pictou County, and the opening reception. An evening walk across “The Commons” to a local pub, complemented with a tour of the historical landscape, will be a great opportunity to see friends and get energized for the sessions ahead.
Early registration fees (CDN$)
$90 members
$120 non-members
$40 students
$45 family member
Fees after Sept. 10 (CDN$)
$120 members
$140 non-members
$50 students
$55 family member