Editor of Northeast Historical Archaeology
The Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA) is soliciting proposals for the volunteer position of editor of Northeast Historical Archaeology. The editor serves a 5-year, renewable term, beginning January 1, 2022. The Editorial Search Committee encourages proposals from individuals affiliated with universities, cultural resource management firms, government agencies, and museums, as well as independent scholars.
About Northeast Historical Archaeology
Northeast Historical Archaeology is published annually by the Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology. It is intended to further the council’s aims to stimulate and encourage the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge and information concerning the practice of historical archaeology in the North American Northeast. The journal publishes materials dealing with the archaeology of the entire historical period, from initial contact of Old and New World peoples during the age of European expansion to the Industrial Revolution, in the following U.S. states and Canadian provinces: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Québec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Northeast Historical Archaeology is intended for professional and avocational archaeologists, students, as well as non-archaeologists (preservationists, museum specialists, etc.) with an interest in the material history and archaeology of the Northeast region. The journal publishes field reports, technical and methodological studies, commentary, and interpretive analyses.
CNEHA also publishes Studies in Northeast Historical Archaeology, an occasional publication series with individual editors appointed by the executive board. The editor of Northeast Historical Archaeology works with the appointed editors of Studies in Northeast Historical Archaeology.
In cooperation with AECOM, CNEHA produces a poster series on the identification of artifacts that is sold through the journal office.
Editorial Responsibilities
- Publish one issue of the journal Northeast Historical Archaeology
- Solicit manuscripts for publication, identify peer reviewers, and oversee the manuscript review process.
- Evaluate, edit, copyedit, proofread, and prepare manuscripts and illustrations for publication.
- Lay out each issue of the journal and monograph series.
- The editor of Northeast Historical Archaeologyworks with the appointed monograph editors to manage the layout, production, and distribution of the monographs to ensure that the monographs meet CNEHA’s editorial standards.
- Coordinate rights and reproduction both for publication in Northeast Historical Archaeologyand the monograph series, and requests for reprinting in other venues.
- Distribute back issues of the journal electronically on CNEHA’s website.
- Arrange for journal printing.
- Arrange for bulk mailing of the journal.
- Store inventory of back issues of the journal and CNEHA poster series and handle sales, including arranging for displays and sales at CNEHA’s annual conference and other professional meetings.
- Manage annual editorial office budget in conjunction with CNEHA’s treasurer.
- Maintain the editorial office, with computer and appropriate design- and image-processing software (currently Adobe Creative Suite), telecommunications, Internet, and reproduction services. Access to bulk-mail services is preferred.
- Continue efforts with the CNEHA board to modernize and streamline editorial and production processes including the maintenance of the Journal’s webpage.
- Work with members of the Journal Advisory Committee whose task is to encourage submissions, aid the review process, or otherwise promote the journal.
- Report twice annually to the CNEHA Executive Board, on which the editor serves as an ex-officio member, and quarterly to the treasurer.
Proposals must be submitted by June 30, 2021 and must demonstrate the candidate’s approach to and ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the editor within the council’s annual budget of $6,000 for the editorial office. The council’s budget for the editorial office is supplemented by back-issue and poster sales. This figure does not include printing costs for the journal. Although the editor is a volunteer position, part-time clerical and editorial assistants and graduate assistants may be employed. Candidates proposing to affiliate with an institution or business must include a letter of support from the institution or business. The Editorial Search Committee is also open to proposals from two individuals who would want to share the editorship of the journal.
We welcome proposals that reflect a vision that moves Northeast Historical Archaeology forward as a leading regional archaeological journal in the 21st century.
For more information, and to submit a proposal, contact:
CNEHA Editorial Search Committee
Stéphane Noël